M obis E lectronic S ervisni C entar d.o.o. Repair & Logistic Services for Mobile technologies

Quick Work order (repair) status checkCheck the Work order (Repair) Status of your mobile phone left in our Service center for Repair

This query allows you to check the repair status of your mobile phone in the Mobis electronic Servisni centar. Please fill in the work order number / CASE ID and the IMEI (serial number) of your device.
The work order number / CASE ID and the IMEI (serial number) are found in the upper part of the acquittance form you received when you submitted your mobile phone for repair. If you have submitted only accessory (enhancement), write 0 in the IMEI field.
  • You have not entered a valid number of work orders or IMEI phone.

  • http://www.mesc.ba/Repository/Banners/lg-partner-footerBanner.jpg
  • http://www.mesc.ba/Repository/Banners/hokia-partner-footerBanner.jpg